Gaia Consulting Group |
http://www.gaia.fi/ |
Geiger Research Institute of Sustainable Building |
http://www.grisb.org/ |
Geneva International Academic Network (GIAN) |
http://www.ruig-gian.org/gian/index.php |
Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining |
http://www.gichd.org/ |
GeoHazards International |
http://www.geohaz.org/ |
German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) |
http://www.giz.de/en/ |
German Appropriate Technology Exchange (GATE) |
http://www.gtz.de/gate |
German Association for Building with Earth |
http://www.dachverband-lehm.de/index_gb.html |
German Committee for Disaster Reduction |
http://www.dkkv.org/ |
German Red Cross |
http://www.drk.de/ |
German Timber Promotion Fund |
http://www.germantimber.com/en/about_us/german_timber_promotion_fund/ |
Ghana WASH |
Gifford and Partners |
http://www.gifford.uk.com/ |
GiziMap |
http://www.gizimap.com/ |
Global Education Cluster |
Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) |
http://www.gfdrr.org/ |
Global Food Security Cluster |
Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction |
Global Nutrition Cluster |
Global Protection Cluster (GPC) |
http://www.globalprotectioncluster.org/ |
Global Public Policy Insitiute |
http://www.gppi.net/ |
Global Risk Identification Program |
http://www.gripweb.org |
Global Shelter Cluster |
Global Wash Cluster |
http://www.washcluster.info/ |
Global Water Partnership |
http://www.gwp.org/en/ |
http://www.goal.ie/ |
Gomal Journal of Medical Sciences |
Good Earth Trust |
http://www.goodearthtrust.org.uk/ |
Gouvernement de la République Centrafricaine |
http://www.primature-rca.org/ |
Governance and Social Development Resource Centre (GSDRC) |
Government of Afghanistan |
http://www.afghangovernment.com/ |
Government of Andhra Pradesh |
http://www.aponline.gov.in/apportal/index.asp |
Government of Balochistan Home and Tribal Affairs Department |
Government of Burundi |
http://www.burundi-gov.bi/ |
Government of Canada |
http://www.canada.gc.ca/ |
Government of Gujarat |
Government of India |
http://india.gov.in/ |
Government of Indonesia |
http://www.indonesia.go.id/en/ |
Government of Japan |
http://www.kantei.go.jp/foreign/index-e.html |
Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Home & Tribal Affairs Department |
Government of Maharashtra, India |
http://www.maharashtra.gov.in/ |
Government of Mozambique |
Government of Nepal |
http://www.nepalgov.gov.np/ |
Government of Norway |
http://www.regjeringen.no/en.html |
Government of Pakistan |
http://www.pakistan.gov.pk/ |
Government of Sri Lanka |
http://www.priu.gov.lk/ |
Government of Sweden |
http://www.sweden.gov.se/ |
Government of Tamil Nadu |
http://www.tn.gov.in/ |
Government of the Maldives |
http://www.presidencymaldives.gov.mv |
Government of the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen |
http://www.yemen.gov.ye/portal/ |
Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh |
http://www.bangladesh.gov.bd/ |
Government of the Republic of Haiti |
http://www.haiti.org/ |
Government of the Republic of Haiti, Transports et Communications |
Government of the Republic of Haiti. Transports et Communications |
Government of the Republic of the Philippines |
http://www.gov.ph/ |
Government of the Syrian Arab Republic |
http://www.moi.gov.sy/ar/ |
Government of the Union of Myanmar |
http://www.myanmar.gov.mm/ |
Government of United Kingdom |
https://www.gov.uk/ |
Government of United States of America |
Grantmakers Without Borders (GWOB) |
Grassroots International |
http://www.grassrootsonline.org/ |
Green Cross |
http://www.greencrossinternational.net/ |
Groupe d’Étude des Populations Forestières Équatoriales |
Groupe Urgence Réhabilitation Développment |
http://www.urd.org/ |
Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority |
http://www.gsdma.org/ |
Guru Nanak Dev University |
http://www.gndu.ac.in/ |
Guttmacher Institute |