IAHS World Congress on Housing |
http://www.housingscience.org/index2.htm |
IASC Gender Standby Capacity |
Icaria Antrazyt |
https://dev.humanitarianlibrary.org/NULL |
Ilm Ideas Newsletter |
ImageCat, Inc. |
https://dev.humanitarianlibrary.org/NULL |
Impact Forecasting |
IMPACT Initiatives |
http://www.impact-initiatives.org/ |
Imperial College London |
http://www.imperial.ac.uk/ |
Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI) |
Independent Evaluation Group |
http://ieg.worldbankgroup.org/ |
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India |
Indian Standards Institution |
http://www.bis.org.in/index.asp |
Indipendent State of Papua New Guinea |
Indonesian heritage trust |
http://www.indonesianheritage.info/ |
Indonesian Society of Appraisers |
http://appraisalindonesia.com/ |
Information and Research for Reconstruction (i-Rec) |
http://www.grif.umontreal.ca/i-Rec.htm |
Initiative For Change (IFC) |
Initiative on Quiet Diplomacy (IQd) |
Insituto Superioir Tecnico, Lisbon |
http://tecnico.ulisboa.pt/ |
Institut de Recherches et d’Applications des Méthodes (IRAM) |
Institut européen d'administration des affaires (INSEAD) |
http://www.insead.edu/home/ |
Institut européen d'administration des affaires (INSEAD) |
Institut Geographique National |
http://www.ign.fr |
Institute for International Studies Brown University |
Institute for Lightweight Structures and Conceptual Design, Stuttgart |
http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/ilek/ |
Institute of Civil Engineers |
http://www.ice.org.uk/ |
Institute of Development Studies |
http://www.ids.ac.uk/ |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
http://www.ieee.org/portal/site |
Institute of Fundraising Managers |
http://www.institute-of-fundraising.org.uk/ |
Institute of International Harmonization for building and housing |
http://www.iibh.org/index_e.htm |
Institute of Mechanical Engineers |
Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies |
Institute of Social and Cultural Studies |
Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS Brief) |
Instituto del Cemento y del Concreto de Guatemala |
Instituto Nacional de Estatística |
http://www.ine.pt/xportal/xmain |
Instituto Nacional de Gestão de Calamidades, República de Moçambique |
Integrated Regional Information Networks |
http://www.irinnews.org/ |
Inter Agency Procurement Services Office |
http://www.iapso.org/ |
Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) |
http://www.humanitarianinfo.org/iasc/ |
Inter-Agency Information and Analysis Unit |
Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) |
http://www.ineesite.org/ |
Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) |
https://www.sheltercluster.org/AboutUs/Pages/TheShelterCluster.aspx |
Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) |
InterAction |
http://www.interaction.org/ |
InterBuild |
http://www.interbuild.com/ |
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) |
Interim Commission for the Reconstruction of Haiti |
http://www.haitireconstructionfund.org/ |
Intermediate Technology Development Group (ITDG) |
Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) |
http://www.internal-displacement.org/ |
International Alert |
http://www.international-alert.org/ |
International Association for Earthquake Engineering |
http://www.iaee.or.jp/ |
International Catholic Migration Commission (IOMC) |
International Centre for Migration and Health |
http://www.icmh.ch/ |
International Centre for Research on Women |
http://www.icrw.org |
International Code Council |
http://www.iccsafe.org/ |
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) |
http://www.icrc.org/ |
International Conference Volunteers |
http://www.icvolunteers.org/ |
International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction |
http://www.cibworld.nl/website/ |
International Council of Voluntary Agencies |
http://www.icva.ch/ |
International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA) |
International Crisis Group |
http://www.crisisgroup.org |
International Development Law Organization |
http://www.idlo.int/English/External/IdloHome.asp |
International Development Research Institute |
http://www.idrc.ca/EN/Pages/default.aspx |
International Displacement Monitoring Centre |
http://www.internal-displacement.org/ |
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) |
http://www.ifrc.org/ |
International Federation of Surveyors, Congress |
http://www.fig.net/ |
International Food Policy Research Institute |
http://www.ifpri.org/ |
International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) |
International Group for Wind-Related Disaster Risk Reduction |
http://www.iawe.org/WRDRR/ |
International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change |
http://www.ihdp.uni-bonn.de/ |
International Human Rights Observer (IHRO) |
International Institute for Environment and Development |
http://www.iied.org/ |
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) |
International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE) |
http://www.iiste.org/ |
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) |
International Institute of Rural Reconstruction |
http://www.iirr.org/ |
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA) |
International Journal of Applied Econometrics and Quantitative Studies |
https://dev.humanitarianlibrary.org/International%20Journal%20of%20Applied%20Eco… |
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science |
http://www.ijhssnet.com/ |
International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology |
http://www.ijset.net/ |
International Labour Office |
http://www.ilo.org/ |
International Labour Organization (ILO) |
International Land Coalition |
http://www.landcoalition.org/ |
International network for bamboo and rattan (INBAR) |
International NGO Training and Research Centre |
http://www.intrac.org/ |
International Organization for Migration (IOM) |
http://www.iom.int/ |
International Planned Parenthood Federation |
http://www.ippf.org/en/ |
International Recovery Platform |
http://www.recoveryplatform.org/ |
International Refugee Rights Initiative |
http://www.refugee-rights.org/ |
International Relief and Development Inc. |
http://www.ird-dc.org/ |
International Rescue Committee |
http://www.theirc.org/ |
International Research Triangle Institute (RTI) |
International Rivers Network |
http://www.irn.org/ |
International Steering Committee for Global Mapping |
http://www.iscgm.org/cgi-bin/fswiki/wiki.cgi |
International Union for Conservation of Nature |
http://www.iucn.org/ |
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) |
International Women's Tribune Centre |
http://www.iwtc.org |
Interworks, previously INTERTECT |
http://www.interworksmadison.com/ |
IOSR Journal of Business and Management |
IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science |
Iraq Knowledge Network |
http://cosit.gov.iq/en/ |
IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre |
http://www.irc.nl/ |
IRec |
https://dev.humanitarianlibrary.org/NULL |
IRIN News |
http://www.irinnews.org/ |
Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI STUDIES) |
Islamic Relief |
http://www.islamic-relief.com/ |
Island |
http://www.island.lk/ |
Istanbul Seismic Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness Project |
http://www.ipkb.gov.tr/icerik/sayfa.aspx |
Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Architecture |
Italian Civil Protection Department - Presidency of the Council of Ministers |
http://www.protezionecivile.it/ |
Italian Ministry for the Environment and Territory |
http://www.minambiente.it/ |
ITC School on Disaster Geo-information Management (UNU-ITC DGIM) |