SAARC Disaster Management Centre (SDMC) |
Samuel Hall Consulting |
http://samuelhall.org/ |
San Jose State University |
http://www.sjsu.edu/ |
Sanitation and Hygiene Applied Research for Equity (SHARE) |
Sanitation Hackathon |
Save the Children |
Save the Children Canada |
http://www.savethechildren.ca/ |
Save The Children Fund |
http://www.savethechildren.net |
Scholarlink Research Institute Journals |
http://scholarlinkresearch.org/ |
Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition |
http://www.arl.org/sparc/ |
School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London |
http://www.soas.ac.uk/ |
Science for Global Insight |
http://www.iiasa.ac.at/ |
Scottish Executive Development Department (SEDD) |
Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana |
http://www.supsi.ch/home.html |
Secretary of State for Social Assistance and Natural Disaster |
http://www.mss.gov.tl/ |
http://www.ecoseeds.org/ |
Seismic Safety Commission |
Shelter Case Studies |
http://www.sheltercasestudies.org/ |
Shelter Centre |
http://sheltercentre.org/ |
Shelter For Life |
http://www.shelter.org/ |
Sidgwick & Jackson |
http://www.panmacmillan.com/imprints/SIDGWICK%20AND%20JACKSON/ |
Simon Fraser University |
http://www.sfu.ca/ |
Simple Action For the Environment (SAFE) |
SingCore |
http://singcore.com/ |
Sir Wilfrid Laurier University |
Slum Dwellers Internation, previously, National Slum Dwellers Federation |
http://www.sdinet.org/ |
Society for Environment Protection |
http://sepindia.org/ |
Soldiers of Peace International |
http://www.fname.info/aisp/eng/ |
Solidar |
http://www.solidar.org |
Solidarités Aide humanitaire d’urgence |
http://www.solidarites.org/ |
Solidarités International |
http://www.solidarites.org/ |
Somaliland Ministry of Public Works, Housing, and Transport |
http://somalilandgov.com/ |
Somaliland University of Technology |
http://somtech.org |
South Asians for Human Rights |
South Carolina Society of Professional Engineers (SCSPE) |
Southern Africa Research and Documentation Centre (SARDC) |
http://www.sardc.net/ |
Spanish Red Cross |
http://www.cruzroja.es |
Spatial Information Science and Engineering |
http://spatial.umaine.edu/ |
Springer Science+Business Media |
Sri Lanka Reconstruction And Development Agency |
http://www.rada.gov.lk/ |
SRK Consulting |
http://www.srk.com/en |
St. John's Ambulance |
http://www.sja.org.uk/ |
St. John's College, Cambridge |
http://www.joh.cam.ac.uk/ |
Stability Pact SEE |
http://www.stabilitypact.org |
State Bank of Pakistan, Microfinance Department |
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute |
http://www.sipri.org/ |
Stockholm International Water Institute |
http://www.siwi.org/ |
Stop Rape Now |
http://www.stoprapenow.org/ |
Sustainability Journal |
Sustainable Development Policy Institute |
Sustainable Environmental and Ecological Development Society |
http://www.seedsindia.org/ |
Swedish Civil Contingency Agency (MSB) |
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency |
http://www.sida.se/eng/index.html |
Swedish Red Cross |
http://www.redcross.se/ |
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) |
Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs |
http://www.eda.admin.ch |
Swiss Federal Research Institute |
http://www.wsl.ch/index_EN |
Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit, previously Swiss Disaster Relief Unit |
http://www.deza.ch/en/Home/Activities/Humanitarian_Aid/Swiss_Humanitarian_Aid_Un… |
Swiss Red Cross |
http://www.redcross.ch/e/index-de.php |
Swiss Resource Centre and Consultancies for Development Foundation (SKAT) |
http://www.skat.ch/ |
Swiss Resource Centre and Consultancies for Development Foundation (SKAT) |
Swiss Solidarity |
http://www.swiss-solidarity.org/ |
Swisscontact Indonesia Foundation (SIF) |
Système d’Alerte Précoce et de Prévention des Catastrophes (SAP/PC) |