
A (70) B (40) C (85) D (45) E (41) F (28) G (67) H (35) I (113) J (27) K (9) L (14) M (66) N (44) O (25) P (41) Q (1) R (38) S (64) T (71) U (106) V (7) W (28) X (1) Y (3) Z (2)
BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugees' Rights
Bandung Institute of Technology
Bangladesh Disaster Preparedness Centre
Bangladesh Institute of Planners
Bangladesh Red Crescent Society
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Be a Hero
Belgian Administration for Development Cooperation
Benfield Hazard Research Centre
Benishangul Gumuz Capacity Building and Civil Service Bureau
Berkeley Journal of Social Sciences
Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh
Bioforce Développement Institut
Blackwell Publishing
Blue Sky Foundation of North Carolina
BMC Health Services Research
BNG Legal
Bobonaro District Civil Administration
Books for Change
Brazilian Society of the Sciences of Non-Conventional Materials
Bridges Across Borders Southeast Asia
British Red Cross
British Travel Health Association
Brookings Institution
Brookings-Bern Project on Internal Displacement, previously Refugee Policy Group
Brussels University
Build Aid
Build Change
Building Advisory Service and Information Network (BASIN)
Building and Social Housing Foundation
Building Design Enterprise, Ethiopia
Building Materials & Technology Promotion Council, Government of India
Building Research Establishment
Building Technology Inc. (BTI)
Building Trust International
Bureau de Monétisation des Programmes d’Aide au Développement, Gouvernment de la Republique d'Haiti
Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance (DCHA)
Bureau National d'Etudes Techniques et de Development
Bureau of Indian Standards