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Your search for global shelter cluster resulted in 133 hits.
Content Type: Resource

Une évaluation commune de l'action humanitaire faite par les clusters pour le Niger.La révision de l’appel global (AG) 2012 du Niger est motivée par l’ampleur de la crise alimentaire et...

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): Shelter Cluster Iraq
Date: Aug 2015
Location: London

The following document has been prepared by the Shelter/NFI Cluster Coordination Team to provide guidance to cluster partners on the utilisation of cash-based programming for shelter and NFI...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Feb 2014
Location: World

Shelter assistance, along with other humanitarian sectors, has globally been broken down into the following three distinct response phases: emergency, recovery and durable solutions. In reality,...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Feb 2014
Location: World

A field visit report to assess the self recovery effort being carried out and the quality of self-built transitonal shelters in Korong Batu Gadang and Nagari Kurangi Hulu.

Content Type: Resource

An update on the Emergency Cluster Shelter by UNHCR and IFRC.

Content Type: Resource

This document provides guidelines for emergency shelter clusters, both at a global and local level.

Content Type: Resource
Date: Feb 2014
Location: Pakistan

This document is a compilation of the key documents produced by the Shelter Cluster Pakistan for natural disasters, since 2010. This document may be used as a reference in the elaboration of new...

Content Type: Resource

The speaker presented an overview of the United Nations humanitarian response system, followed by an overview of the Inter Agency Standing Committee cluster initiative. Ghassem Fardanesh described...

Content Type: Resource

Einar Bjorgo, UNITAR-UNOSAT presented the geographic information system
and satellite imagery tools UNOSAT use to map disasters. These images
are used to assist field assessment, to...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Dec 2010

This presentation, by Nuno Nunes, IOM, was given to launch the Cluster Approach Guidelines developed by IOM. The guidelines lay out the cluster approach to staff of IOM both in emergency and non-...
