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Content Type: Resource

Populatation and Locations of displaced people - map.

Content Type: Resource

Female headed households distribution per administrative boundary - map

Content Type: Resource

Map - willingness to return to place of origin

Content Type: Resource

The Guidelines for Environmental Emergencies are intended as a reference guide for countries
wanting to improve their framework for preparedness in the event of an environmental

Content Type: Resource

The 2010 Humanitarian Action Plan for Afghanistan aims to improve the coordination of humanitarian programming and activities by identifying, prioritising and addressing the most acute needs in...

Content Type: Resource

A common humanitarian action plan made by the clusters. Focusing on the greatest needs and on better assisting and protecting the most vulnerable people and provides humanitarian actors and donors...

Content Type: Resource

This map presents the Afghani natural hazards risk analyzis by province. The hazards analyzed are extreme winter hazards, earthquake hazards and river gradient.

Content Type: Resource

The Guide outlines the main provisions of Afghanistan's constitutional and legal framework and the protection these provide to property rights. In addition, it briefly describes the formal...

Content Type: Resource

The bar charts show the degree of exposure to natural hazards and the percentage of area affected (per country). Tsunami and storm suges are a threat to coastal regions, particularly gulfs, bays,...
