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In the Sahel countries of West Africa, 'Woodless Construction' refers to the construction of vault or dome roofed buildings using ordinary mud bricks. This three volume series of...
L'objectif spécifique de ce volet pilote et expérimental est la conservation des eaux et des sols pour optimiser l'utilisation des ressources hydriques. Il permettra l'assistance au...
Since the conflict between the Nigerian government and Tuareg groups intensified in 2007 following the creation of the Mouvement Nigérien pour la Justice, around 11,000 people have been displaced...
Niger has seen rapid population growth and environmental change over the last 40 years: arable surfaces have decreased, and the population has multiplied by four. Over half the population suffers...
Map of Niger including refugee camps, UNHCR presence, roads and boundries.
Each year, up to 3.5 million people in the Niger rely on humanitarian assistance. Two-thirds of the population – about 10 million people – lives on less than USD 1 per day. The country’s already...
Au Niger, la campagne agropastorale 2009-2010, a été caractérisée par un déficit fourrager jamais égalé au niveau de toutes les régions du pays. Cette situation a entrainé en 2010 une crise...
As part of preparedness activities, together with the preparation of contingency plans, the Logistics Cluster develops comprehensive reports of the logistics of one country, including: a)...
Map showing refugee camps, number of refugees and vulnerable areas.
Les membres d’ECB ont effectué une évaluation conjointe des besoins sur les départements de Diffa et Tillabéry comprenant une population d’environ 3.1 million d’habitants. En décembre 2011, une...