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In 2011, floods affected over 5 million people in Sindh, Punjab and Baluchistan provinces. IOM provided emergency shelter and life-saving health services to over 423,000 individuals. In addition,...
Evaluation of the Relief Phase of the International Federation of Red
Cross Red Crescent Societies/Pakistan Red Crescent Society
Monsoon Flash Floods Operation
A docudrama, which highlights the vulnerability of Bangladesh to flood and the preparedness measures to reduce the risks of an upcoming disaster. Part 1
A docudrama, which highlights the vulnerability of Bangladesh to flood and the preparedness measures to reduce the risks of an upcoming disaster. Part 2
A common humanitarian Action Plan for a the humanitarian clusters after the 2010 floods in Pakistan.
The humanitarian community in Pakistan launched the Pakistan Initial Floods Emergency Response Plan (PIFERP) on 11 August seeking an initial US$ 459 million for the immediate relief needs of flood...
Report on land tenure after flooding in Nepal
This briefing paper provides a synthesis of and introduction to key lessons from evaluations of relief and recovery/humanitarian response to flooding in the last 20 years from Africa, Asia and the...
Cities and Flooding: A Guide to Integrated Flood Risk Management for the 21st Century and A Summaryfor Policy Makers were researched and written by a team led by Abhas K. Jha (Task Team Leader,...
Special Issue 36, September 2007. Report on South Asia Earthquake. Includes sections: How to Work on Floods, 200 Flood Recovery Agenda for International Agencies: Lessons from the Tsunami...