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Content Type: Resource
Date: Feb 2014
Location: Mozambique

The lesson learning review (Disaster Risk Management Working Paper Series No.12) has analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of recovery assistance from governments, donors, and civil society...

Content Type: Resource

This briefing paper provides a synthesis of, and introduction to, key lessons from evaluations of relief and recovery/humanitarian response to flooding in the last 20 years from Africa, Asia and...

Content Type: Resource

This briefing paper provides a synthesis of key lessons learned from relief responses to past earthquakes. The main intended audiences are operational decision-makers and relief Program managers...

Content Type: Resource

This paper aims to provide a distillation of the learning from thirty years of humanitarian response to earthquakes. It concentrates on issues of particular relevance in earthquakes. \nThe paper...

Content Type: Resource

This briefing paper provides a synthesis of, and introduction to key lessons from evaluations of relief and recovery/humanitarian response to flooding in the last 20 years from Africa, Asia and...

Content Type: Resource

Disaster response in an urban environment presents a wide variety of challenges. Humanitarian organisations often have more experience of disaster response in rural settings, and local authorities...

Content Type: Resource

This briefing paper provides a synthesis of key lessons learnt from evaluations of relief and recovery responses to past slow-onset disasters, particularly drought, and food and livelihoods...

Content Type: Resource

This paper provides a synthesis of key lessons learned from relief responses to past earthquakes. The October 2005 South Asia earthquake presents unique challenges, particularly of scale and...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Feb 2014
Location: World

The Canadian Red Cross's post-Mitch housing reconstruction project in Honduras and Nicaragua was part of its strategy to establish a presence in the region. The aim was to foster relations...

Content Type: Resource

A Red Cross film that uses documentary and participatory video to look at Community-Based Adaptation to climate change in Jakarta. The film whos how poor people are already adaptating and calls...
