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Flood Hazard Distibution Map
This handout had been developed to be a public awarness on flood event in Bhutan. It contains the flood preparedness start by the historical flood analyze, flood evacuation, and flood early...
Early Recovery Framework
This case study reviews two places in Zimbabwe prone to flooding. It examines causes of flooding, flood management practices, legal instruments and institutions in place to manage flood events....
A colourful document illustrating ways to cope with floods.
This guide presents in a brief, clear and direct manner, some important aspects related to floods.
Este manual apresenta de maneira sucinta, clara e directa, alguns aspectos importantes...
"Unusually heavy monsoon rains in Northern Pakistan have caused disproportionate levels of extreme flooding and unprecedented flood losses across the entire Indus River basin. Extensive land...
This paper outlines ways in which to build flood shelters and stock them effectively for emergencies.
A colour manual providing comprehensive information on how to live through floods, with reference to Mozambique.