Preliminary Appeal No. 02/2002Launched on: 18 January 2002 for three months for CHF 1, 533, 000 to assist 250, 000 beneficiaries. Revised to Full Appeal No. 02/02 on 15 February 2002 for CHF 4, 802, 000 (US$ 2. 8 Million or EUR 3. 34 Million) for six months. Beneficiaries: 165, 000 Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF)Allocated: CHF 250, 000 (repaid)Period covered: 17 January to 31 October 2002Last Operations Update (no. 7) issued 19. 04. 2002Appeal coverage: 80% (CHF 3, 843, 781)Summary: This started as an emergency operation with massive numbers; it changed quickly for reasons well outside the control of the Red Cross movement. While the Federation is justifiably satisfied with its overall response and many of the activities carried out, certain weaknesses and failures have been identified, not least the poor reporting and feedback from the field. Efforts are underway to resolve these issues, and to reinforce the reporting mechanisms. The situation with the affected population has largely returned to a semblance of normalcy, though the volcanic threat remains real (among the number of other threats the residents of Goma face daily). The Disaster Preparedness work continues in preparation for the next situation.