This is a revised and updated version of DFID's Environmental Guide. It providesadvice on planning and managing the environmental appraisal of DFIDinterventions. The guide aims to provide all DFID staff, particularly projectofficers, with sufficient advice and guidance to enable them to undertakeenvironmental screening. The guide provides a summary of the activities involved in environmentalscreening, and wider appraisal processes. It does not contain all the answers, but it will help you to find out where to get more detailed advice. It contains: guidance on completing the simplified screening note and complying with the new procedures, which require the screening note to be submitted at the same time as a project header sheet for interventions over £1 million;new checklists identifying key environmental opportunities and risks “ covering a range of aid instruments, from projects and programmes to sectoral approaches and budget support; and answers to common questions and sources of further information. This guide will help you mainstream issues of environmental sustainabilityinto all DFID's development activities with the aim of achieving sustainablepoverty reduction. DFID will continue to keep guidance on environmentalappraisal under regular review, and the most up-to-date information isavailable on DFID's INSIGHT or on the website: www. dfid. gov. uk