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Mr. Paul Cabrera from MSF Spain presented the recent MCF OCBA publication 'Small Construction Manual', which is intended to be a supportive tool for MSF locistical...
Chele Degruccio from UNHCR presented the Joint IDP Profiling Service (JIPS).
The presentations explains the purpose and structure...
Mr. Tom Corsellis, Executive Secretary of the Shelter Centre, presented a Proposal for a Common Humanitarian Technical Library to provide a single 'memory' base,...
Mr. Carlo Gherardi from IOM Pakistan remotely presented a summary of the evaluation of IOM's 'One room shelter ' programme in Pakistan.
...Mrs. Annika Grafweg (UNICEF) remotely presented from Kenya the 'Compendium of temporary learning spaces in emergency'.
The publication highlights the...
Mrs. Corinna Salzer (ETH Zurich/Hilti Foundation) presented a research on Life cycle assesment of alternative building materials for low cost housing.
...Mr. Øyvind Nordlie (NRC) presented on NRC's efforts concerning urban assistance in Baghdad.
The pilot project aims to initiate...
Apologies were sent by Mr. Thomas Withworth of Save the Children, who wanted to present remotely from Liberia on Schools and Child Friendly Spaces, but unfortunately...
Mr. Mark Wooding presented a project developed by Medair in Badakhshan Province in NE Afghanistan, an area affected by flooding and earthquakes.
Mr. Nuno Nunes from the International Organization for Migrations presented the IOM Transitional Shelter Programme, which aims to provide 9000 shelters to...