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Content Type: Resource

This presentation launches the UN OCHA booklet Tents: A Guide to the Use...

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): Shelter Centre
Date: Jul 2008

The presentation gives details on the proposed assessment tool chapter for the final version of the transitional settlement guidelines. It presents a single method for monitoring, assessment and...

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): Shelter Centre
Date: Jul 2008

This presentation details phase one of a desktop study commissioned by USAID/OFDA into the efficiency, cost-effectiveness and social implications of planning displaced persons in a 'grid' or '...

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): Shelter Centre
Date: Jul 2008

This presentation details the progress of Shelter Centre volunteers in designing a second generation emergency lightweight shelter. The shelter builds on the work of previous University of...

Content Type: Resource

A presentation on the UNHCR 3-years shelter programme in Afghanistan, intended to facilitate the gradual and voluntary return of displaced Afghans (refugees and IDP's) to their community in...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jul 2008

The speaker reviews CRS transitional settlement response in Indonesia, Sri Lanka and India after the 26th December 2004 tsunami. How these three countries operated with their available capacity...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jul 2008

The speaker presented the Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment in Disasters Tool, as the development and results of efforts to identify and begin addressing environmental issues related to...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jul 2008

The speaker, introduced by Oxfam GB to the Shelter Meeting participants, presented the work of Johns Hopkins University within Sierra Leone to develop and evaluate new malaria control tools, in...

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): Shelter Centre
Date: Jul 2008

This proposal by Shelter Centre is for the definition of common principles for the transitional settlement and shelter sector, based on various existing cross-sectoral initiatives, from the Sphere...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jul 2008

Examples of medical semi-temporary structures in MSF programs.  Towards permanent building MSF-CH, Ryad refugee camp, Darfur, Sudan.  Post-Tsunami emergency shelters MSF-CH, Sri Lanka, 2005.  Pre-...
