Grid and cluster planning progress report

This presentation details phase one of a desktop study commissioned by USAID/OFDA into the efficiency, cost-effectiveness and social implications of planning displaced persons in a 'grid' or 'cluster' format. The study, entitled 'Comparative assessment of the development and operations costs of displaced persons settlements using grid and cluster based designs', will be completed by 17th May 2005.

Grid and cluster formats have been defined and an analytical framework has been created for the study of existing data on displaced person camps. Five grid-planned camps have been analysed and basic comparisons drawn between the affect of cluster planning on road length.

Initial conclusions highlight the inherent redundancy and inflexible nature of grid planning. Cluster format appears to significantly reduce road infrastructure and is more adaptable to topographical changes. Further work will extend analysis on data from recent displaced person camps and look into the impact of disrupted topography on planning models.