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Content Type: Resource
Date: Nov 2011

Mr. Paul Cabrera from MSF Spain presented the recent MCF OCBA publication 'Small Construction Manual', which is intended to be a supportive tool for MSF locistical...

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): UNHCR
Date: Nov 2011

Chele Degruccio from UNHCR presented the Joint IDP Profiling Service (JIPS).

The presentations explains the purpose and structure...

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): Shelter Centre
Date: Nov 2011

Mr. Tom Corsellis, Executive Secretary of the Shelter Centre, presented a Proposal for a Common Humanitarian Technical Library to provide a single 'memory' base,...

Content Type: Resource

Mr. Carlo Gherardi from IOM Pakistan remotely presented a summary of the evaluation of IOM's  'One room shelter ' programme in Pakistan.

Content Type: Resource
Date: Nov 2011

Mrs. Annika Grafweg (UNICEF) remotely presented from Kenya the 'Compendium of temporary learning spaces in emergency'.

The publication highlights the...

Content Type: Resource

Mrs. Corinna Salzer (ETH Zurich/Hilti Foundation) presented a research on Life cycle assesment of alternative building materials for low cost housing.

Content Type: Resource
Date: Nov 2011

Mr. Øyvind Nordlie (NRC) presented on NRC's efforts concerning urban assistance in Baghdad.

The pilot project aims to initiate...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Nov 2011

Apologies were sent by Mr. Thomas Withworth of Save the Children, who wanted to present remotely from Liberia on Schools and Child Friendly Spaces, but unfortunately...

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): MEDAIR
Date: Nov 2011


Mr. Mark Wooding presented a project developed by Medair in Badakhshan Province in NE Afghanistan, an area affected by flooding and earthquakes.

Content Type: Resource


Mr. Nuno Nunes from the International Organization for Migrations presented the IOM Transitional Shelter Programme, which aims to provide 9000 shelters to...
