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The speaker chaired a discussion on a number of shelter and settlement issues. Topics included:
- the need for training and certification of humanitarian workers in transitional...
Charles Kelly from ProAct Network used a case study of Gonaives, Haiti to discuss the environment-focused tools developed, the role and work of an Environmental Advisor within the field cluster...
The IASC Shelter Cluster prioritised a review of the shelter needs of families in emergency shelter. A large number are expected to remain in emergency shelter during 2011 or longer. The majority...
As the Global Shelter Cluster (GSC) moves forward from emergency to recovery programming, this report attempts to highlight some concerns linked to the legal and regulatory framework in the...
As the Global Shelter Cluster (GSC) moves forward from emergency to recovery programming, this report attempts to highlight some concerns linked to the legal and regulatory framework in the...
Tableau réalisé par l'Unité IM OCHA au Mali pour le Cluster Logistique le 6 Juillet 2012
The Shelter and Non-Food Items (NFI) Cluster provides life-saving assistance to people affected by crisis. Since the onset of the December 2013 conflict in South Sudan, the cluster has been...
The Shelter Meeting participants agreed that Shelter Meeting 07b will take place from 15th - 16th of November 2007, with a backup date set for the 8th - 9th of November 2007...
Tom Corsellis presented the opportunity for an informal consultation with Shelter Meeting participants prior to finalising a regional raining programme with ECHO and partners, including interested...
The speaker described the role of the Movement in the provision of shelter after natural disasters. Operational differences were highlighted between NGOs and National Societies, which are linked...