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Pakistan has been severely affected by the global economic crises, high inflation and an acute energy crisis, which is crippling the country’s productivity. Foreign investment has not returned,...
The Pakistan Environment Programme (PEP) partners expect that the Technical Assistance (TA)
provided by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) will outline an actual...
Updated in August 2005, these guidelines seek to provide a framework within which UNHCR and implementing partner staff, in particular, will be able to:
- identify and evaluate the range of...
Au début de l’année, le Groupement de Ziralo a connu une accalmie dans les Hauts Plateaux de Kalehe, suite à la relocalisation d’un des groupes armés influents de la zone, ce qui a permis aux...
Local and international NGOs working in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) at both the national and provincial levels have stated that the various state services in the DRC pose great...
Les ONG locales et internationales travaillant en République démocratique du Congo (RDC) aux niveaux national et provincial ont déclaré que les différents services de l'Etat en RDC posent de...
La présente loi régit les relations du travail entre les travailleurs et les employeurs exerçant leur activité professionnelle sur l’étendue de la République du Mali. Est considérée comme...
Case study on urban shelter upgrade after conflict. The purpose was to meet the shelter needs of displaced people living in urban temporary settlements in the cities of Galkayo and Bosasso in...
Electronic transfers, or e-transfers, are a form of value transfer that relies on digital payment systems. The great many benefits they can realise for aid recipients and aid agencies alike in...
A guide to the planning, use, procurement and logistics of timber as a construction material in humanitarian relief