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A logistics supply chain map for yemen, created Apr 25, 2012
A tip sheet with a general logistics and planning map of Yemen
This video presents the World Food Programme Logistics.
Yossi Sheffi and Jarrod Goenztel brief the MIT community on the 2011 Japan crisis in relation to the supply chain and humanitarian logistics.
This document provides an overview of how to access the logistics services offered by the LC (LC) to all humanitarian actors responding to the Syrian Operation.
As part of preparedness activities, together with the preparation of contingency plans, the Logistics Cluster develops comprehensive reports of the logistics of one country, including: a)...
Gives an overview of the logisitcs cluster warehouse capacity in Syria.
The all-too-frequent humanitarian disasters that occur each year need a carefully designed response. Since the Southeast Asia tsunami of 2004, the commercial and military disciplines of risk...
This guide marks the first attempt to fill the gap concerning the provision of familiy tents and to raise the awareness of the field logistics and procurement staff as to best practices in the use...
There are no general field guidelines currently available for the procurement, logistics and use of timber in humanitarian emergencies, except guidance notes produced by FAO on the practicalities...