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In Haiti, the multiplication of rental support projects led to do a study on the rental housing market in the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince.
A map regarding the irregular Migration Inflows into Yemen.
Répartitions des populations déplacées sur sites par départements en Côte d'Ivoire
In Haiti, the multiplication of rental support projects led to do a study on the rental housing market in the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince.
The Humanitarian Situation Report is a concise public document intended to support thecoordination of humanitarian response in an acute crisis. It pulls together information from all ofthe...
Mr. Nuno Nunes from the International Organization for Migrations presented the IOM Transitional Shelter Programme, which aims to provide 9000 shelters to...
Between December 2005 and February 2006, a team of researchers from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Department of Social Medicine from Harvard Medical School, carried...
Presents information to give a better understanding on where returnee families are, from where they have returned, why they have returnes and what they need in order to successfully start their...
This meeting took place in the Summer after the South Asian Earthquake 2005. The meeting was attended by local and international NGO's including ERRA, UN agencies, and USAID There was a...
Brian Kelly, IOM and Tom Corsellis, Shelter Centre, co-chaired the
session discussing a proposal to invite government reconstruction
agencies for a one day workshop in Geneva in...