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Conclusions and Recommendations from the Evaluation Meeting.
More than 400 professionals from 48 countries met at this meeting to identify lessons learned with regard to the preparedness for...
A map regarding the irregular Migration Inflows into Yemen.
Technical tools to plan for investments in the construction, rehabilitaion and maintenance of rural infrastucture.
Discusses how the lack of clear land tenure infromation in Haiti continues to be on eof the most significant challenges to post-earthquake reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts.
This report addresses the current situation on haiti, and the development that has accured from 2010 earthquake disaster to a path of sustainable recovery today. It covers among others camp...
In Haiti, the multiplication of rental support projects led to do a study on the rental housing market in the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince.
A need assessment report, which assesses the most recent Christians displacementin Iraq.
This special report focuses on femail headed housholds in Iraq which has been inernally displaced or have returned.
Ce site Web fournit une version traduite de la loi nigérienne du travail. Ce code régit les relations entre employeurs et travailleurs. Il est applicable sur tout le territoire de la République du...
Répartitions des populations déplacées sur sites par départements en Côte d'Ivoire