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Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): World Bank
Date: Jan 1970
Location: Pakistan

At the request of the Government of Pakistan (GoP), a team of experts led by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the World Bank (WB) conducted a preliminary Damage and Needs Assessment (DNA) of...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jan 1970
Location: Pakistan

Return Policy Framework for IDPs from FATA

Content Type: Resource

The study is intended to provide a comprehensive overview of United Nations intergovernmental decisions on humanitarian principles and issues of concern to relevant stakeholders, including Member...

Content Type: Resource

These codes provide a systematic means of linking and exchanging data and analysing relationships between them.

Content Type: Resource

Some Examples of Coordination Challenges

Content Type: Resource
Date: Oct 2014
Location: Pakistan

Global Cluster Leads List

Content Type: Resource
Date: Oct 2014
Location: Pakistan

Generic Terms of Reference for Sector/Cluster Leads at the Country Level

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jan 1970
Location: Pakistan

IASC-Terms of Reference for the Humanitarian Coordinator

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jan 1970
Location: Pakistan

The following Operational Guidance is intended for use at the country level to help Cluster/Sector leads, OCHA and humanitarian partners ensure that relevant information related to a humanitarian...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jan 1970
Location: Pakistan

Strengthening of the coordination of humanitarian emergency assistannce
