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En application de l’Accord de Paix Global de Libreville (APGL) signé le 21 juin 2008 entre l’État Centrafricain et les Groupes Politico - Militaires (GPM) dans le cadre du...

Content Type: Resource

Annual Report on the situation in CAR and overview of Cluster work.

Content Type: Resource

The Chad Resettlement and Compensation Plan Evaluation Study had two purposes: (1) it fulfilled a Chad Export Project Environmental Management Plan (EMP) commitment to complete an evaluation of...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Feb 2014
Location: Chad

La qualité de l’habitat dans certaines régions du pays reste dérisoire. C’est ainsi que l’association des scouts du Tchad, soucieuse de la situation a commencé à sensibiliser les populations des...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Feb 2014
Location: Chad

Projet visant a changer la methode de fabrication de briques de maniere plus ecologique et durable.

Content Type: Resource

Cette étude, réalisée par OCHA grâce à l’appui de UNOPS Data Center for IDP Population constitue la mise en œuvre de cette recommandation dans le territoire de Lubero qui héberge selon les...

Content Type: Resource

This country profile in Shelter Projects 2009 on conflict displaced and urban host families in DRC, is part of the second annual edition of 'Shelter Projects', which reflects on the on-...

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This case study in Shelter Projects 2008 summarises an assessment by a major donor of the transitional shelter and recovery programming that it funded in Goma following the volcanic eruption in...

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This case study in Shelter Projects 2011-2012 summarises the distribution of transitional shelter and the recovery programming found in Goma following the volcanic eruption in 2002. It focuses on...

Content Type: Resource

To address the food crisis in the Sahel region, humanitarian partners within the Regional Food Security and Nutrition Working Group have developed this strategy which aims to: i) strengthen...
