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The handbook is primarily aimed at managers and staff of humanitarian agencies, both at headquarters (HQ) and in the field. It speaks directly to those on front line of aid delivery as well as to...
The paper addresses a number of implementation issues, finding that there are both advantages and disadvantages for donor governments in spending bilaterally and multilaterally. T
The Government of the North Western Frontier Province (NWFP) of Pakistan will undertake the implementation of voluntary, safe and dignified return of people internally displaced from NWFP areas....
At the request of the Government of Pakistan (GoP), a team of experts led by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the World Bank (WB) conducted a preliminary Damage and Needs Assessment (DNA) of...
Return Policy Framework for IDPs from FATA
The study is intended to provide a comprehensive overview of United Nations intergovernmental decisions on humanitarian principles and issues of concern to relevant stakeholders, including Member...
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Some Examples of Coordination Challenges
Global Cluster Leads List
Generic Terms of Reference for Sector/Cluster Leads at the Country Level