Global Shelter Programme: Report 2007

This report covers the IFRC's global shelter programme from 1 January 2007 to 20 March 2007. The current context of post-disaster shelter needs are described, especially regarding recent disasters, along with the progress being made towards shelter-related objectives. Partners in these activities and looking to the future of the sector are also noted. In the context of IFRC's global agenda and commitments, this appeal and the proposed activities will strengthen capacities, resources, and approaches to the provision of shelter after disasters. That includes improving the quality and effectiveness of relief assistance while ensuring that recovery and risk reduction considerations contribute to the initial response and provide the required support to implement transitional and permanent shelter. The overall goal is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by reducing the impact of and vulnerability to disasters through the development and effective use of national, regional and international Red Cross and Red Crescent capacities and resources in sheltering.