Education Cluster preparedness and response planning activities
are continued in Sindh, Punjab, Balochistan and KP-FATA
Complex Emergency in KP-FATA:
11,248 children (Girls: 4,895) are benefitting from education response
both in and off camps in KP and FATA and 211 teachers
(104 females) have been hired and trained.
45 participants (Female: 15, Male: 30) from organization based in
KP/ FATA and education department are trained on INEE Minimum
Standards for Education .
Pakistan Early Recovery Framework of Floods 2011:
164,867 beneficiaries (66,400girls/females) reached through provision
of education services in Sindh and Balochistan.
Under preparedness of monsoon 2012, focal agencies for coordination
of Education in Emergency (EiE) have been identified in 47
districts across Pakistan.