Education Bulletin# 29

 Education Cluster preparedness and response planning activities
are continued in Sindh, Punjab, Balochistan and KP-FATA
Complex Emergency in KP-FATA:
 11,248 children (Girls: 4,895) are benefitting from education response
both in and off camps in KP and FATA and 211 teachers
(104 females) have been hired and trained.
 45 participants (Female: 15, Male: 30) from organization based in
KP/ FATA and education department are trained on INEE Minimum
Standards for Education .
Pakistan Early Recovery Framework of Floods 2011:
 164,867 beneficiaries (66,400girls/females) reached through provision
of education services in Sindh and Balochistan.
 Under preparedness of monsoon 2012, focal agencies for coordination
of Education in Emergency (EiE) have been identified in 47
districts across Pakistan.