This report provides information on the consultancy of Mr. George Kuru, carried out from 4 June to 3 July to provide technical assistance related to wood supply for post-tsunami reconstruction in Aceh Province, Indonesia. The consultant completed the following tasks: - Revised the estimates of wood requirements for reconstruction, including through consultations with shelter and timber working groups1 on needs and specifications for wood supply. Prepared the following technical documents (drafts): Guidelines for timber classification and usage in post-tsunami reconstruction; Sawn timber procurement guidelines; Guidelines for determining the legality of wood in post-tsunami reconstruction;Wood suppliers' list. Facilitated discussion and exchange of information between and among Government entities, including the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency (BRR “ Badan Rehabilitasi dan Rekonstruksi) and the Ministry of Forestry at central and provincial level for Aceh and Nias, and other stakeholders. The report contains recommendations for on-going support to the Government of Indonesia, NGOs and other organizations involved in reconstruction, and specifically for FAO's continuing technical support to facilitate the provision of wood for reconstruction.