ACTED in Iraq (April 2015)

ACTED has been working in the MENA region since 2003, in response to the humanitarian crisis in Iraq and recurring emergencies in the occupied Palestinian Territory (oPT). Since that time, ACTED has also responded to emergencies in Yemen, Libya, and Lebanon. ACTED’s MENA presence expanded significantly in response tothe opportunities for political reform bought by theArab Spring in 2011, and following the onset of the Syrian crisis in 2012.The report outlines and ACTED's Iraqi strategy through:Camp management: Supporting IDP populations through direct camp management, and building the capacity of local actors through mentorship programs.Child protection: Establishment of child friendly spaces and youth friendly spaces, child protection units for case management, and provision of psycho-social support.WASH: Installation of WASH facilities in camps and substandard shelters, distribution of hygiene supplies, and conducting hygiene promotion sessions.Shelter: Provision of emergency shelter kits and rehabilitation of substandard shelters. Food security: Distribution of food parcels or vouchers to IDPs and refugees.Livelihood support: Cash injection through Cash for Work in both camps and non-camp settings, provision of vocational training, small enterprise development and unconditional cash grants for the start-up.NFI distribution: Provision of fuel and winterization items such as plastic sheets, blankets, mattresses, tents, and clothes.Cash assistance: Provision of unconditional cash grants.