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This document represents the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) component of the 2013 Sahel Regional Strategy prepared under the coordination of the United Nations...
Taking its outset in a description of the urban sector in Mali, this report (Africa Region Working Paper Series Number 104a) explores the most promising entry points for future urban and municipal...
This review provides an inventory of country-level adaptation activities and a summary of key adaptation priorities, based on documents like the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change’s...
The 2010 food crisis in the Sahel has affected millions of men, women and children. The humanitarian response, although too slow and insufficient, did at least allow the worst to be avoided....
A final report on the IFRC'S Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) operation to respond to the emergency needs of 1,640 vulnerable households due to food crisis situation in Mali. This...
Carte montrant: Réponse générale à la crise en 2013, Appel Global 2013 - Financement par secteur, Populations aectées, ciblées et assitées en 2013, Financement par bailleur
This issue of the journal 'Humanitairan Exchange', has a special feature which focuses on the humanitarian crisis in the Sahel region of Africa, where aid agencies estimate that more...
To address the food crisis in the Sahel region, humanitarian partners within the Regional Food Security and Nutrition Working Group have developed this strategy which aims to: i) strengthen...
This desk study presents estimations of scale, severity and likely impact of a disaster in Mali. It aims to inform decision making for preparedness and emergency response. Information has been...
In response to high acute malnutrition rates, ACF has operated in the district of Kita since 2007 and has put in place an innovative multisectoral strategy to fight malnutrition by combining...