One-week Shelter and Settlements Training Course
A new open source One-week training on shelter and settlements, developed by Shelter Centre and funded by USAID/OFDA.
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Session 3.2: Strategy development for settlements
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this session participants should:
1. have a good understanding of principles and standards and their application in the humanitarian context.
2. identify and understand the components of an agency program plan (settlement strategy).
3. understand the concept of GO-RED+ and its application to shelter and settlement.
Key Learning Points
1. Having a comprehensive and detailed strategy for program demonstrates their usefulness to stakeholders and ensures their efficiency
2. USAID endorses the Sphere standards, so all strategies should incorporate them
3. Post-disaster funding comes from a number of different sources and each have their own cycles and response patterns
Session Agenda:
1. Principles and standards
2. Strategies
3. From assessment to settlement analysis
4. Phases and funding