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Content Type: Resource

Einar Bjorgo, UNITAR-UNOSAT presented the geographic information system
and satellite imagery tools UNOSAT use to map disasters. These images
are used to assist field assessment, to...

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): ProAct
Date: Jul 2008

Breakout group 1

David Stone, ProAct, discussed the booklets on asbestos removal and
the re-use of construction materials they are drafting. David Stone
emphasised that...

Content Type: Resource

Breakout group 2

Elisabeth Babister, CARE International, led the discussion on
funding mechanisms for transitional shelter. Key points included
incorporating risk...

Content Type: Resource

Breakout group 3

As part of the Emergency Shelter Cluster Working Group (ESCWG) work
plan for 2007, Shelter Centre, NRC and CARE have been co-leading a
project to develop...

Content Type: Resource

Breakout group 4

Victoria Harris, Architects for Aid; Nigel Vaz, EWB; and Magnus
Wolfe Murray, RESET; led the discussion on further collaboration with
universities for...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jul 2008

Mohammed Ali and Linda Richardson, RedR, led breakout groups
discussing the skills needed and the skill gaps that exist in the sector.  The groups discussed ways in which these gaps and...

Content Type: Resource

Shelter Centre descibed the current draft of the revised 'Shelter after disaster: Guidelines for Assistance' (UNDRO, 1982). attention was brought to specific areas that could be discussed in the...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jul 2008

Breakout group #1 - Performance on shelter response

In keeping with the aims of the cluster process at the Global level, this project will look to set performance criteria for...

Content Type: Resource

Brian Kelly, IOM and Tom Corsellis, Shelter Centre, co-chaired the
session discussing a proposal to invite government reconstruction
agencies for a one day workshop in Geneva in...

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): Shelter Centre
Date: Jul 2008

Tom Corsellis and Antonella Vitale provided an update of activities by
Shelter Centre including the Shelter Centre-led revision of 'Shelter
after Disaster: Guidelines for Assistance',...
