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Mr. Michael Ramage described the advantages of a systematic and independent satellite Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) for Disaster Recovery, which nowadays still...
The Pre-Disaster Recovery Planning (Pre-DRP) is a process of institutionalizing capacities for recovery which is undertaken before disaster. This process helps...
This presentations gives a few recommendations on what should be done in a city immediately after a disaster, as humanitarian workers agree that the first post-...
Mr. Sujoy Chaudhury, programme manager of GOAL India, presented remotely the situation in Sundarbams region of India, which is frequently affected by natural disaster...
This short presentation shared by David Sacca and Vidar Glette introduces the manual about accessibility and describes the conditions of the Haitians with...
This presentation is a global overview of the projects implemented by CARE from 2005, which involved 48 countries all over the globe. The post-disaster situation due...
The Shelter Centre presented the concept of Transitional Tents, its evolution from a simple project and the current progress made so far. The following steps that...
Mr. Andrew Cusack from Shelter Centre presented the review of the Shelter After Disaster publication, made up of humanitarian literature dedicated to shelter,...
The Humanitarian Yellow Pages is a Non-for-profit initiative developed by EMBA Studens of the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne and Social Entrepreneurs in...
Mrs. Sarah Ernst from Architecture Sans Frontières (ASF) presented the draft version of the guide "Reducing RIsk and Promoting Sustainability", with a case study of...