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A paper on internal displacement in Côte d'Ivore. Côte d’Ivoire signed the African Union Convention on IDPs in November 2009, but had not ratified it by September 2010. National legislation...

Content Type: Resource

Les acteurs humanitaires en Côte d’Ivoire ont complété l’analyse des besoins humanitaires qui continuent à se faire sentir dans le pays près de deux ans après l’éclatement de la crise...

Content Type: Resource

Bulletin humanitaire. Au sommaire: Nouveaux déplacements dans l’ouest, Lancement des ‘’besoins humanitaires’’, Lutte contre le VIH à Bouaké, Portrait d’une ONG nationale participant au processus...

Content Type: Resource

This volume debates and informs on themes such as housing, participation, and vulnerability in relation to large-scale post-disaster reconstruction. It is a contribution to ongoing debate in terms...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Feb 2014
Location: Kenya

The African Development Bank is supporting member countries to develop gender profiles to assist the gender mainstreaming efforts of the Bank, African countries and development partners. This...

Content Type: Resource

This situation report provides a snapshot of UNHCR's and its partners' response to the displacement of malians in Mali itself and into Burkina Faso, Mauritania and Niger.

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Cette revue des données secondaires a été préparée dans le cadre du programme REACH, programme inter-agences d’IMPACT Initiatives (IMPACT) et dans le cadre du partenariat global avec le Cluster...

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This case study in Shelter Projects 2011–2012 summarises a project, where temporary shelters was provided for nomadic Tuareg refugees displaced from northern Mali to the Oudalan Province in...

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This report provides an overview of the humanitarian situation in Mali as of April 2013. It identifies the different clusters progress and their current situation regarding: food security,...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Feb 2014
Location: Mali

A map of the internal displacement in Mali following the January 2013 military intervention.
