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European commission Humanitarian aid Office (ECHO) Annual Report.
The document is divided into two parts. The first part titled as General Guidance, describes the background, source materials and principles of performance and outcome indicators, key definitions...
The study had three main objectives: to develop research tools to be used for profiling urban IDPs, including to make population estimates;Internal Displacement to Urban Areas: the Tufts-IDMC...
This case study seeks to understand how local pastoral communities could play in the management of drought in Iran. It begins with an examination of the range of organisations that are involved in...
The cluster approach was introduced as part of humanitarian reform in 2005. Itseeks to make humanitarian assistance more effective by introducing a systemof sectoral coordination with designated...
This publication describes the services that GRIP provides to national and local governments as well as to the international risk identification community. GRIP established standard procedures and...
This guide presents in a brief, clear and direct manner, some important aspects related to floods.
Este manual apresenta de maneira sucinta, clara e directa, alguns aspectos importantes...
Livro de referância de estratégias sustentáveis para mitigar os impactos das cheias.
This practical guideline is for the use of all emergency stakeholders in all sectors. It provides technical guideline for physical and communication accessibility to ensure that persons with...