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The General Assembly upgraded CERF in December 2005 from a revolving loan mechanism of US$50million to a Fund composed of the existing loan mechanism and an additional grant element with afunding...
For the first time in history, half of humanity lives in towns and cities. However, of this three billion people, one billion have little to celebrate. Imagine raising your family in an...
The purpose of the global capacity-building exercise is to ensure predictable and sufficient response capacity exists at the global level to complement national-led responses to humanitarian...
The Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) is a stand-by fund established by the UnitedNations to enable more timely and reliable humanitarian assistance to victims of disasters andcomplex...
Au début de l’année, le Groupement de Ziralo a connu une accalmie dans les Hauts Plateaux de Kalehe, suite à la relocalisation d’un des groupes armés influents de la zone, ce qui a permis aux...
In 2013, the humanitarian community‘s strategic objectives will continue to address the immediate life-saving needs of refugees, IDPs, returnees, expelled migrants, host communities, and people...
Intense storms and a major cyclone at the end of June and early July 2007 caused severe flooding in Pakistan, displacing over 300,000 people and affecting more than 2.5 million. Balochistan and...
This presentation launches the UN OCHA booklet Tents: A Guide to the Use...
Nine years after the fourteen-year war ended in Liberia (2003), the country is still facing significant social and economic challenges that generate and drive humanitarian needs. The unstable...
The speaker provided background information on the first phase of this project funded by OCHA, which resulted in the launch of the Timber Scoping Study. The final guide on the use of timber in...