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This step-by-step guide explains how to manage the two main types of CRS post-disaster or post-conflict construction: owner-driven and contractor-built. The intended audience includes engineers,...
This handbook provides operational guidance and tools to support effective protection
responses in situations of internal displacement.
Specifically, the Handbook seeks to:
The Guidelines for Environmental Emergencies are intended as a reference guide for countries
wanting to improve their framework for preparedness in the event of an environmental
A 7-part collection of tools and guidance under a project knows as FRAME – Framework for Assessing, Monitoring and Evaluating the Environment in Refugee-related Operations.
This guide is intended as a first step towards elaborating a systematic approach to addressing and assessing environmental impacts and concerns following natural disasters – especially those...
Handbook on humanitarian field interventions for and by US government institutions working abroad.
These guidelines aim at presenting a framework that an administrator can rely on to make effective decisions in managing the health sector’s activities to reduce the consequences of disasters.
Technical tools to plan for investments in the construction, rehabilitaion and maintenance of rural infrastucture.
Information sheet for the emergency perparedness and response programme
Case study on what can be done to reduce the impact of natural diasters at the community level.