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Your search for housing and hazards group resulted in 57 hits.
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The objective of this paper is to select suitable lateral load resistance system, investigate the uplift mechanism of the roof, select proper location of door and windows, etc, for the rural hut...

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The Permatent Emergency Shelter cum Roofing Unit has been specially designed in Bangladesh for use in Bangladesh, particularly as disaster preparedness hardware for use in the cyclone high risk...

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Although Bangladesh is one of the most hazard -prone areas of the world, few people outside the main cities live in homes that protect them against those hazards. This paper reviews the present...

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This paper describes a continuing Program to characterise the building types and construction processes in a village in northern Bangladesh. The Program aims to identify the resources (financial,...

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This workshop was hosted by Sheltech Ltd at their Sheltech Chateau development site in Gulshan where BUET's Program of testing of full-scale non-engineered houses was taking place....

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The majority of housing in cyclone-prone zones is non-engineered thatched construction. These structures have virtually no lateral load resistance mechanism. They can rarely survive even a...

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Dr Muhammed Yunus launched an action-research Program in 1976 to extend banking facilities to the poor and to eliminate exploitation by moneylenders. By creating opportunities for self-employment...

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The examples on which I will draw include those of Alto Mayo where 7, 000 homes were rebuilt after the 1990 earthquake and the regional reconstruction Program undertaken by the Corporation...

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During the last few years, engineers have increasingly realised the importance of wind loads for all types of structures, especially in wind-disaster prone areas. More information describing the...

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This paper reviews the first of two Hosing & Hazards studies into affordable techniques for strengthening Kutcha housing. A participatory survey identified the common building materials in use...
