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This equipment is part of several packages devised by the Oxfam Public Health Engineering Team to help provide a reliable water supply for populations affected by conflict or natural disaster. The...
The Good Enough Guide is intended for field-based project officers and managers. It aims to help them make impact measurement and accountability become part of the job. Impact measurement means...
El Perú se encuentra ubicado en una zona sísmica.
Cada cierto tiempo ocurren terremotos que hacen que las viviendas mal construidas sufran daños importantes y hasta colapsos parciales o...
Peru is located in a seismic area. From time to time earthquakes occur which affect inadequately constructed houses, causing major damage and in many cases partial or total collapse.
This guidance note focuses on construction design, building standards and site selection, and their role in the mitigation of risk due to natural hazards. The note provides general guidance for...
"Bahan Bahan Asbes: Dalam Situasi Daruat" is the Bahasa translation of the "Brief Guide to Asbestos in Emergencies: Safer Handling & Breaking the Cycle", project is funded...
The cornerstone of the handbook is the Humanitarian Charter, which is based on the principles and provisions of international humanitarian law, international human rights law, refugee law and the...
The cornerstone of the handbook is the Humanitarian Charter, which is based on the principles and provisions of international humanitarian law, international human rights law, refugee law and the...
The Sphere Project and its Handbook frame a Humanitarian Charter, identify a set of minimum standards in key life-saving sectors and consolidate their core standards. In the 2011 revision, the...
The Feinstein International Center has been developing and adapting participatory approaches to measure the impact of livelihoods based interventions since the early nineties. Drawing upon this...