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Mr. Sujoy Chaudhury, programme manager of GOAL India, presented remotely the situation in Sundarbams region of India, which is frequently affected by natural disaster...
My research is relevant to any reconstruction or upgrading scheme working with an existing neighbourhood. Working within a ‘slum upgrading’ scheme in Agra, ‘cultural heritage preservation’ has...
The Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015 (HFA) included thefollowing measure of commitment to and success of national riskreduction: Integrate disaster risk reduction planning into the health...
This joint research aimed to provide detailed longitudinal evidence of the successes, failures and lessons from previous Christian Aid (CA) and Habitat for Humanity (HFH) emergency interventions...
Records and outcomes of the International Symposium 2008 on Earthquake Safe Housing, 28-29 November 2008, Tokyo, Japan. This document illustrates the work of the Housing Earthquake Safety...
Resiliency means springing back into normalcy after being stretched. Climatic resiliency of Indian cities are gradually becoming distant-goal to reach. Reason being the some of the climatic...