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Overview of UNHCR activities and of current situation.
This section highlights the cluster achievements through the year of 2013
A detailed map of Zaatri Refugee Camp as of 15 september 2013. The map shows boundaries of districts, road network and has a color code for different types of infrastructure.
Mieux répondre au problème du déplacement forcé en République Démocratique du Congo à travers l'aide aux familles d'accueil.
Th goal of this assessment was to gain information from the local host community in Hilaweyn refugee camp regarding their opinion on shelter implementation, construction and the impact of presence...
A presentation of a case study regarding Bhutanese refugees in the Jhapa camp in Nepal in 1997.
This is an idea for a shelter for refugee camps in Chad, Darfur and other areas around the world.
This paper began as a reaction to the bulldozing of infrastructure in refugee camps after the refugees leave. The author tried to learn how much this infrastructure was worth by consulting...
Members of Inter-agency Working Group (IAWG) on Reproductive Health in Crises from the Boston University School of Public Health, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, United Nations...
ACTED assure la gestion du camp en partenariat avec les différents comités de réfugiés, et la
coordination des diverses interventions des partenaires humanitaires en partenariat avec le...