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This book provides information on selecting, specifying, procuring, using, and distributing timber and bamboo as construction materials for small and medium-sized buildings in humanitarian...
Dead Loads- Unit Weights of Building Materials and Stored Materials
Breakout group 1
David Stone, ProAct, discussed the booklets on asbestos removal and
the re-use of construction materials they are drafting. David Stone
emphasised that...
National Building Code regarding unit weight of materials
National Building Code regarding materials specifications
Video presentation on WWF’s Environmental Disaster Management programme and advice on selecting, sourcing, using and disposing of construction materials in an environmentally friendly way. Video...
Concepts for Repair, Restoration and Strengthening, Techniques for Strengthening, Repair Materials, Repair
This comprehensive building code establishes minimum regulations for building systems using prescriptive and performance-related provisions. It is founded on broad-based principles that make...
This book explains and illustrates how pumice can be processed using simple technologies suitable for developing countries. Pumice, an extremely light, porous raw material of volcanic origin,...
The Building Control Act B. E. 2522 was issued as a guideline and criteria for construction of building. It contains authorized license, inspection, stand of building weight, safety reason as well...