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This document explores conflict mediation over land in Burundi, relating it to other long-term challenges for peace in the country, principally with the utilisation of land, and increasing access...
La Commission Nationale des Terres et Autres Biens (CNTB) en collaboration avec le Conseil Norvégien des Réfugiés (CNR) et son Observatoire des Situations de Déplacement Interne (IDMC) a organisé...
This paper provides an overview of major problems and possible solutions, and suggests criteria and policy directions for reconstruction and development. It also expands on major policy areas...
Recommends legal and policy measures to minimize legal barriers and encourages effective national and international responses to disasters and communicable diseases in Cambodia.
This study deals with land management in Cambodia and the impact of gender equality for its development.
The paper discusses shelter developments and design in Cambodia. It aims to analyse the shelter situation, including giving recommendations for change and improvments.
This study on impacts of disasters on the education sector in Cambodia aims to build an evidence-based rationale to raise awareness on integrating DRR concerns into education policies, programs...
This report deals with land concessions, land disputes, forced evicitons and encroachment on natural resources from a human rights and development perspective.
The main objective of this survey was to collect timely information on household- and individual-level food security, nutrition, health and livelihood measures among a representative sample of...
This review provides an introduction to the theoretical landscape of planning adaptation to climate change, offering an overview of many of its key concepts and approaches; and it draws out key...