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Près de 12 mois après les pires violences de la crise post-électorale, la situation au niveau des abris au
quartier Carrefour est restée inchangée. Plus de 50% des personnes déplacées par...
Les contestations des résultats du second tour de l’élection présidentielle de novembre 2010 ont plongé la Cote d’Ivoire dans une tension politique sans précédent. Une situation qui a perduré...
Cette revue des données secondaires a été préparée dans le cadre du programme REACH, programme inter-agences d’IMPACT Initiatives (IMPACT) et dans le cadre du partenariat global avec le Cluster...
Early Recovery is recovery that begins early in a humanitarian setting. It is a multi-dimensional process, guided by development principles. It aims to generate self-sustaining, nationally-owned,...
Early recovery is a vital element of an effective humanitarian crisis response, where early recovery addresses recovery needs during the humanitarian phase, using humanitarian mechanisms in...
This chapter of the IASC Gender Handbook examines the gender issues in relation to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). It outlines how to assess and implement gender equality programming in the...
Women, girls, boys and men have different needs, roles and responsibilities related to shelter/houses. Gender considerations have to be integrated into shelter planning and Program to ensure...
Monitoring and evaluation depends on valid population numbers, which should be disaggregated by sex and age in order to measure everything from the crude mortality rate and the type and number of...
Non-food items vary according to culture and context and should correspond to the needs of the population and the climate. The NFI packages differ from provider to provider, and the assortment has...