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Content Type: Resource
Date: Jan 1970
Location: Pakistan

The IASC Gender Marker is a tool that codes, on a 2 B0 scale, whether or not a humanitarian project is designed to ensure that women/girls and men/boys will benefit equally from it, and that it...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jan 1970
Location: Pakistan

The IASC Gender Marker is a tool that codes, on a 2 >0 scale, whether or not a humanitarian project is designed to ensure that women/girls and men/boys will benefit equally from it. The aim is...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jan 1970
Location: Pakistan

A gender and age sensitive, participatory approach at all stages of the project cycle can help ensure that an adequate and efficient response is provided. In order for a shelter and/or NFI project...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jan 1970
Location: Pakistan

Providing water and sanitation facilities alone will not guarantee their optimal use nor will it necessarily improve public health. Only a gender and age-sensitive, participatory approach at all...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jan 1970
Location: Pakistan
Content Type: Resource
Date: Jan 1970
Location: Pakistan

Experience from past natural disasters reveals that important differences between men and women often go unrecognised. In the midst of the urgent humanitarian response, the provision of...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jan 1970
Location: Pakistan

This tip sheet is designed to assist clusters and their project teams in assigning a gender code to their humanitarian projects using the IASC Gender Marker. Each project is awarded a gender code...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jan 1970
Location: Pakistan

IASC gender marker Pakistan PFERP 2010 Gender Markers Focal Points' Orientation (Draft)

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jan 1970
Location: Pakistan

Why do we need a Gender Marker in CAPs, CERFs and pooled funds? What is the Gender Marker? Who will use the Gender Marker?

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jan 1970
Location: Pakistan

This form is designed to be an insert into the feedback form that cluster vetting teams use to. Finalise the cluster's projects for the capor other humanitarian funding vehicles.
