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This report is looking at housing typologies in Bangladesh, with a focus on myud houses. In Bangladesh, a mud house is one of the traditional housing types that are used by poor families mainly in...
A report on property rights and reosurce governance in Yemen, with a special attention towards distribution, legal framework and tenure issues regarding land, water, forest and minerals.
A report about the different shelter designs and constructions in Yemen, depending on the geographical location of residences and availability or provision of construction materials.
An empirical study on the migrants and refugees which are concentrated in the low-income district of Dar Sa’ad in Yemen. Wants togive an explonation on whether and how these migrant groups differ...
This report are discussing the main land rights issues in Yemen, including mine action repsonse to land rights.
A map regarding the irregular Migration Inflows into Yemen.
The 2013 humanitarian reponse plan for Yemen, which includes response strategies and each cluster's response plan.
This assessment report addresses the 2008 tropical storm and flood in Yemen. It covers the disaster in general including its toll and the response, the macroeconomic and poverty impact, immediate...
An unofficial translation of the Yemen Labour code by the International Labour Office.
This section highlights the cluster achievements through the year of 2013