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Overview of steps to go through for the rehabilitation of IDPs.
Examines who is poverty stricken, where and why.
Overview of guiding principles and previous efforts relating to IDPs in Burundi.
The following report was originally issued by the International Crisis Group (ICG) as an internal paper and distributed on a restricted basis in February 1999. It incorporates the results of...
Closing of a Burundian refugee camp situated in Tanzania and outlining outcomes.
Situation of Burundian refugees in Tanzania.
The actions proposed in the Plan have been drawn from six themes of an integrated, medium-term programme approach that enables the FAO to effectively respond to the complexity of post-conflict...
La publication du rapport fait part du progrès vers la réalisation des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement (OMD).
Post-conflict peace and stability operations and issues.
This paper provides an overview of major problems and possible solutions, and suggests criteria and policy directions for reconstruction and development. It also expands on major policy areas...