Sources No. 4 reveals how widespread the recognition of housing rights is throughout international, regional and national legislation. The large number of legal foundations of housing rights, therefore, should lay to rest any opinion that housing is not a human right. Sources No. 4 is designed both as a reference document on housing rights under law, as well as comprehensive statement on the global status of housing rights today. The extensive existence of housing rights under law, coupled with the various enforcement measures linked to many such laws, can be referred to and utilised by movements, campaigns, communities, grassroots groups, nongovernmental organisations, lawyers, researchers, academics and others seeking to ensure the eventual fulfilment of these rights in many ways. Sources No. 4, however, is not only a reference document; it can also be used as a basis for developing legal demands in support of housing rights and moves at all levels toward the adoption of new, more specific legislation on housing rights.