Evaluation of home gardens project

The Home Gardens Project (HGP) is being funded by United Nations Children’s Fund
(UNICEF) and is being implemented by the Department of Field Services (DFS) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MAFS). The HGP distributes garden tools and seeds to Support Groups (SGs), Young Farmers’ Clubs (YFCs) and schools who in turn produce vegetables for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs) and People Living with AIDS(PLWAs).
This report presents findings of the evaluation of the HGP whose purpose was to
determine the effectiveness of the project as well as learn from other organizations that areimplementing or supporting activities towards food security which can be used as promising mpractices.
The evaluation methodology consisted of literature review, interviews with Key
Informants and stakeholders, quantitative and qualitative techniques.
The initial target of the project was to reach 300 community based organizations. To date, the project has reached an average of 90 YFCs and 280 SGs which shows that the target of reaching 300 community gardens per year has been reached and surpassed.
It is estimated that the HGP benefits just over 20,000 OVCs, 4,500 PLWAs, 730 other vulnerable groups in communities and 150 OVCs in schools per year. Most of the vegetables produced by SGs and YFCs are given toOVCs and PLWAs.
Other beneficiaries include the destitute, needy, and disabled members ofthe community. The surplus vegetables when available are sold and seeds/groceries bought forOVCs and PLWAs.