Emergency Food Security assessment (EFSA) Handbook

For decades, WFP has been on the frontline of the fight against hunger. But today, the global context in which WFP operates is rapidly changing. New challenges areemerging. High commodity prices, the increasing number of natural disasters, andthe rapid urbanization of populations are leading to higher levels of food insecurity, but also to more complex and multi-faceted emergencies. To address the changing nature of food insecurity and its nutritional outcomes, WFP has shifted from a food aid to a food assistance agency and developed amore diverse and innovative set of tools.
Food Security Assessments are one of the fundamental tools of the organization. They provide the analysis to make well informed decisions on the most appropriatetype and scale of interventions. They determine who are the food insecure people, how many they are, where they live and why they are food insecure. They alsomake recommendations on what needs to be done to assist them.