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This evaluation of the World Bank’s experience with natural disasters was done by the Independent Evaluation Group–World Bank at the request of the Bank’s Board of Executive Directors. It comes at...
This report consists of background information of the urban sector in Mozambique, assessment of governance, slums, gender and HIV/AIDS, an analysis and outline of priority project proposals.
The aim of the research is to define a conceptual and methodological framework to support the spatial planning activity of local administrators and technicians in Mozambique small towns (Caia and...
The aim is at identifying the coverage and the dynamics of the urban land markets, surveying the implications of the same and identifying prevention mechanisms of social injustices in the tenure...
This paper, through spatial-analysis techniques, examines the accessibility of emergency shelters for vulnerable populations, and outlines the benefits of an extended and permanently established...
Este relatório apresenta o sumário de resultados preliminares do Inquérito de Indicadores Múltiplos (Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey - MICS), realizado em 2008 pelo Instituto Nacional de...
The report assesses the challenges in terms of legal preparedness for disasters in Mozambique, and proposes a way forward through specific recommendations, bearing in mind that, at the time of...
Overview of disaster risk management programs in Mozambique
The Mozambican poverty reduction strategy sets a baseline approach that will allow to derive
reliable impact data so as to contribute to national debate on development strategy in
Because of concerns about the environmental impact of the cyclones and associated floods, the Joint UNEP-OCHA Environment Unit, in close collaboration with OCHA’s Field Coordination Support...